Before making any investment, you should understand the product/service/real-estate/system you are investing in. Solar panels are no different.
Here are some of the benefits of installing solar panels, a breakdown of the warranties and the importance of hiring an accredited installation and servicing technician.

Installing solar panels is no longer just about saving the environment or being green, it’s an investment that reduces your utility bills and may even earn you some cash. Installing solar power positively impacts the environment by capturing the sun’s energy to generate electricity at home and has the potential to save your household a lot of money.
Your Energy Savings, an Australian government website, is your go-to source for information on current rebates and financial assistance regarding solar panels. Your Energy Savings overview of government rebates for Queensland is as follows:
“The renewable energy feed-in tariff pays eligible Queensland households and other small electricity customers for the excess electricity they generate from small-scale solar (photovoltaic or PV), wind turbine or hydro systems.”
Choosing an accredited installer is the most important decision in your solar panel journey. An accredited installer will understand the different solar panel warranties, have the necessary skill level and in most cases, many years of solar panel installation experience.
At Fuse Contracting, we are certified and trained to ensure your solar power system meets not just the industry best practice standard but all relevant Australian Standards.
When thinking about solar panels, you need to remember warranty. It is no use investing in solar panels if when something goes wrong, you don’t have a warranty to fall back on.
Now when talking solar panels there are four different types of warranty.
- Performance warranty. Provider: manufacturer. This is considered practically worthless as the manufacturers can easily get out of it.
- Product warranty. Provider: manufacturer. Covers defective materials or assembly in the manufacture of the panel. It is essential that your ‘product’ warranty is at least ten years. Claims for faulty performance (or zero output at all) will be covered under the ‘product’ warranty.
- Inverter warranty. Provider: manufacturer. The Manufacturer will cover the inverter warranty provided the inverter has been installed correctly. If the inverter is found to not be installed correctly, the original installer will be required to rectify the issue. All solar inverters come with a standard 5-year warranty. In some cases, dependent on the company, the inverter can be covered up until ten years for an additional charge.
- Installation warranty. Provider: installation company. It is important to understand the terms and conditions of installation warranties because they vary greatly amongst companies. Call us today on 07 3829 9661 to inquire about the Fuse Contracting installation warranty.
At Fuse Contracting we only suggest solar panel products to our customers, which we know offer an Australian warranty and have a service centre in Australia. This alleviates stress about being new solar panel owners and allows a certain peace of mind following the installation. For more questions about warranties, please don’t hesitate to call us.
You’ve had your solar system installed for a while now, have you had it serviced, though? It shouldn’t surprise you to know that, solar panels need cleaning for them to work optimally. They sit on your roof, fully exposed to the elements, if your windows get dirty, imagine how your solar panels must look. Servicing your solar panels is important as the cleaner they are, the more power they generate, thus the more dollars into your back pocket.
Servicing involves more than just cleaning. Solar system maintenance is just as important. Fuse Contracting uses thermal imaging to determine if any panels have hot spots or areas that are not working to the optimum output level. Due to the exposed nature of solar panels, all components should be checked on an annual basis.
Even if we didn’t install your solar panels, we are happy to organise a technician to attend and provide you with a report advising if there are any areas of concern that require attention. If you need your solar panels serviced, then give our team a call today on 07 3829 9661!